From Monday to Sunday inclusive, we deliver paedodontic care in Luxembourg. Schedule an appointment with your child in one of our dental centres in Strassen and Esch-sur-Alzette.
The international scientific associations recommend a first consultation as soon as the first tooth comes in and at the latest at the age of 1 year. This is an opportunity to introduce parents to good oral health habits and thus prevent the development of dental problems.
Furrow sealing is one of the first dental procedures performed in children. It aims to preserve the molars and is done by placing a protective cement that isolates the tooth. This preventive care is generally carried out from the age of 6 years, it has the advantage of being painless.
The fineness of the outer surface of the enamel makes milk teeth very vulnerable.
As a result, cavities are more likely to develop and cause some harm. In particular, they can cause pain and disturb the sleep of young children. In addition, boys and girls who suffer from cavities are more likely to get new cavities on their permanent teeth.
Sometimes the child's dentist will recommend early orthodontic treatment for the child. He or she is likely to reduce the length of time orthodontic appliances are worn and has the ability to avoid them in some cases. Does your son or daughter have a malocclusion or mouth injury caused by trauma? Reconstructive surgery can be scheduled at one of our offices.
Teeth are cleaned as soon as the first tooth appears. The first step is to clean the teeth with a simple compress. When the milk molars have sufficiently developed, you can use a baby toothbrush twice a day, after lunch and after the last meal at the end of the day.
We are available 7 days a week and our centers welcome you
outside standard hours.
Our dental centers accept third-party payment or PID (immediate direct payment)
More informationOur dental centers accept third-party payment or PID (immediate direct payment)